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Letting your toddler explore again

Precious Angels Blog

As lockdown eases and life slowly returns to normal, albeit a new normal, we consider, is it safe to let our toddler explore again?

Even as a mum we have missed the weekly rhyme time, stay and play and baby massage sessions. They provided a routine, a sense of normality, a normality that we crave again. One that prior to lockdown we took for granted.

So as lockdown eases and life slowly begins to return to normal we ask ourselves as mums, as parents, grandparents or carers is it okay to let our children or should we say our precious angels explore again?

The innocence of children and their ability to change throughout the covid pandemic has been eye opening. Our toddler although cautious as we began to introduce him to life post lockdown, has taken everything in his stride. To say we are proud is an understatement.

We are slowly trying to introduce normal toddler activities such as swimming and going to the park all whilst taking extra precautions and making sure we take our essentials such as Precious Angels sanitising foam and antibacterial wipes with us.

Packing for days out has changed slightly and although there’s always been lots to remember to include in the bag; sanitiser and wipes are now staples which help us feel a little more safe and prepared when out and about.

Learning to adjust and feel comfortable letting our toddler explore places again has at times felt strange and perhaps even scary, however, curiosity and fulfilment is something which is definitely needed for their development so we’ve just learnt to go at their pace whilst adjusting to this new era of socialising.


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